Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cold & Hot Comfort Bags

My first attempt at a craft in a while. I saw these cold & hot comfort bags (basically a rice filled bag) through this pin:

Although, when I clicked on this pin, there were so many ideas. I pinned the one I wanted to do which was cold & Hot Comfort Bags from here:

So I set out to make my own. On the Skip To My Lou website, she had made these bags into cute shapes for kids! I love that idea! I decided that making a couple heart sacks would be cute and easy. She has an easy description of how she did it and I made just a couple changes to it.

1) I cut out my pattern and I actually cut the fabric about 1/4' bigger than the pattern. I just did that because I wanted the final shape to be about the size of my pattern.
2) Here's my cut out of my second heart with right sides showing.
3) I sewed about 1/4' around the heart with right sides together. I left about an inch gap so I could turn them inside out. You can't see the seams that well in these pictures. Maybe I should've taken the picture a little closer.
4) Instead of cutting notches and slits, I got out my pinking shears and cut as close to the seam as I could without actually cutting it!
5) I turned it right side out (which was the hardest part) and then sewed about 1/4' all around the outside except for that 1' hole.
6) I filled it up with rice and then sewed the 1' hole closed. There aren't any pictures of filling it up for rice because I needed both hands. Here is a pic of the final product. I'm not sure if I'd sew the 1/4' as an outline again. It didn't turn out exactly as I wanted but they still look good enough.
I stuck mine in the freezer and wahlah! A cold pack!

1 comment:

  1. cute, your own little home ec project :) I wish we lived closer to each other, maybe my scrapbook wouldn't be getting further...and further behind!
