Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chore Chart

There are a lot of great ideas for chore charts out there. I loved seeing a list of things kids could do by age. I never know if I'm expecting too much of my kids or not expecting enough. I think that kids don't do a lot of work around the house or they are too easily rewarded. I saw this list on Pinterest and thought it was a good way to evaluate how my kids were doing.

Source: via Tiffany on Pinterest

Here was another list that helped too.

What helped was that I could never think of things for them to do! There were the normal ones like getting dressed, brushing teeth, making your bed, and cleaning up your toys but I couldn't think of other things. Then, here was a list of tons of things that my kids could do ... because these lists said they could do it! :) One thing I discovered in all this, kids can do more than you think they can do! I let Landon and Cody sort the laundry and then asked them to fold their clothes. Landon was able to fold all of his clothes! I was shocked. I don't know why but I just didn't think that he could do it! Another thing we did was buy a little vacuum for the boys. It doesn't suck very well but it was only $20, it's light, and they LOVE to vacuum! I made up my own chore charts for the boys. I decided they needed some reward system but I didn't want it to be money, toys, or treats (food). I decided that for every 10 smiley faces (we use smiley faces instead of x's or check marks), they could watch a tv show. That way, if they didn't get their chores done, who cares! They don't watch tv that day! If anything, it's harder on me than on them. If they do more chores, they get extra smiley faces. It's a win win for me I think!
For Cody's chore chart, I did pictures since he doesn't read yet. For Landon, he has words since he can read most of them. If you can figure out what the pictures are for Cody's, then I'll be impressed!

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