Saturday, January 7, 2012

Boho Maxi Dress

Super cute, right? I thought so too. So my sister and I headed to the fabric store, got out stuff, headed home, and made it the same day! It probably only took the person who blogged about this dress only 20 minutes. It took us about 2 1/2 hours! We were a little picky on the sewing portion and actually pinned it.

Boho Maxi Dress
1 4/5 yard light jersey knit fabric (we got 1 7/8 because it was easier)

That's it! That's right! In the tutorial, she added a trim but that was because she cut it too short before she washed it. You don't have to do a trim. She also used dye. We just bought colored jersey knit!

Other thing we did differently, we pinned it (like I said before) before we sewed it. Also, after cutting the neck and sleeves, we re-sewed (is that a word?) the seams where we cut so that they would come apart. If you want the tutorial, go and jump on over to her post!
And here's how our photo shoot went.
Me by myself
Me and my sister trying to be like those other blogs where they pose all cool.

Us not taking ourselves very seriously though.
This jumping picture is so funny to me! My sister looks like she isn't jumping! She's just so calm! And what my hair would look like if it had more body in it.
And what I imagine I'd wear with it for the winter. I really want to find a cute denim jacket. I think that'd look really good with it.


  1. 1. These are not the actual lengths, we hadn't washed them yet to see where they would shrink up to.
    2. We apparently aren't fashion blogger/posers :)
    3. Send me these pictures?
    4. I should be a jumping model. New career?

  2. Um, will you make one for me? I'm serious... I need cute maternity clothes!

  3. So cute!!! I just might run to the fabric store today;).
