Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Homemade Baby Wipes

I'm running out of wipes. The normal thing to do would be to go and pick some up but I don't have a Costco membership anymore and they're just so expensive. I ran across multiple pins on how to make your own. And the only thing I was missing was the paper towels. While I was out at Target yesterday, I picked up the recommended Bounty paper towels. Let me tell you, this was so easy to make.
Here are the ingredients:
1/2 roll Bounty Paper Towels (I used the bigger size too)
2 TBS Baby Wash
2 TBS Baby Oil
2 1/2 cups warm/hot water
That's it! I ended up cutting my paper towels into 4ths because I didn't have a container big enough to do 1/2 a paper towel roll.
1) Cut your paper towel in half (or fourths like me!). I used an electric knife. It was still hard but it worked better then just trying to use a normal knife.
2) Put your paper towel roll in the container you're using.
3)Heat up you water (I stuck mine in the microwave).
4) Put your baby oil and baby wash in your water and gently stir.
5) Pour the water mixture over the paper towel.
6) Seal the container and flip it over for 5 minutes.
7) Take the cardboard piece out of the center and you're done!
Disclaimer: I just made these today and as of right now, I have not even changed Carly's diaper so I have not tried them out. If these totally suck, I'll let you know!!!

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